【同义词辨析】 2019-05-05 自由liberal-radical

liberal: implies a greater or less degree of emancipation from convention, tradition, or dogma and may suggest either pragmatism and tolerance or unorthodoxy, extremism, and laxness: a politician's ~ tendencies.  dogma武断教条: 不允许别人反对的理论观点主张等,dogmatic说话武断的 lax过度的放松lack of needed firmness,如a lax administration一个松垮的政府,这个词还表示不精确马虎lack of strictness, precision,如a reporter who is lax about getting the facts straight一个对事实马马虎虎的记者)

progressive: is likely to imply a comparison with what is backward or reactionary and a readiness to forsake old methods and beliefs for new ones that hold more promise: went to the most ~ school her parents could find.

advanced: applies to what is or seems to be ahead of its proper time and can connote liberalism and mental daring or extreme foolhardiness and experimental impracticality: a man with advanced ideas.

radical: is likely to imply willingness to destroy the institutions which conserve the ideas or policies condemned and comes close to revolutionary in meaning: an idea conceived by a group of ~ reformers.   (conserve保存保守,基本意思是完好保存避免损坏浪费to keep sound and unimpaired and avoid loss or waste,如took every possible measure to conserve fuel采用一切措施节约(即保存)燃料,政治上保守来自这个词)

liberal自由: 从常规传统教条解放出来,既可以表示务实宽容,也可以表示异端极端放纵,progressive进步: 相对于落后反动,指愿意抛弃旧方法观念,采纳新的更有前景的,advanced先进高级: 指走在时代之前,可以表示自由主义思想大胆,也可以表示过分冒险不切实际,radical激进: 彻底毁灭保守旧观念政策的机构,和革命意思接近

记忆方法: 1)首字母LPAR安排左右<==自由在左保守在右     民主党liberal共和党conservative,分别是两个党的关键词 (不同国家不同时期左右划分不一样有时相反)

        2)自由的意思是不受正统建制保守约束mean freed from or opposed to what is orthodox, established, or conservative.